Sunday, July 24, 2011

4 more days

          About two days ago I was looking at myself in the mirror at my 3/4 profile and I was thinking "maybe my jaw looks cool.  It's kind of different.  Maybe I don't have to be able to chew well.  I'm pretty much okay now.  It's annoying, but maybe it's okay..." Then I recognized what I was doing and how crazy those thoughts were hahah.  It was a weird moment.

        I got my jaw band today and just tried it on.  I look ridiculous and not as happy as the girls in the advertisements hahaha.  Ugh this is gonna be fun. 

       I also got some liquid food for after the surgery.  It's in a cluster in the kitchen and I was looking at it and it's just all so real.  It's crunch time after all of this waiting.  I can't believe it... My countdown says 4 days.  I remember when it was 148 and being so excited when it went into the double digits.  And now it says 4.
          It feels funny to write *deep breaths* but that's what I'm doing.


  1. do you have pics? I think i have a 5-6 mm gap too. i'm not sure whether it will be upper/lower jaw. what insurance company do you have?

  2. yeah it's in a tab at the top and I have BCBS

  3. Best of luck in surgery Sam.

    You're far more prepared than many of us going into surgery, I for one did not test my jaw band before hand haha.

    And deep breaths for sure, with a lefort 1 breathing potentially can be an issue just make sure you have your humidifier, nasal sprays, and hydrogen peroxide q tips ready!

  4. Thanks Gordon!!
    I love your blog!! it's actually helped me a lot!
    I'm feeling much better than the first few days. And thank god for q tips and hydrogen peroxide- so essential!
